Case Study: One Fictional Couple’s Journey Through Traditional and Collaborative Divorce

married couple sitting apart on a couch and playing with their wedding rings

The world of family law can be a mysterious one to outsiders.  Even if you have been through a divorce, your knowledge and experience is limited to your unique encounter with the family law system.  However, once you’ve seen the process play out time and time again, you begin to see patterns and similarities.  Below is a fictional example of how one couple, “John” and “Betty,” navigate the family law system through the traditional litigation method and the collaborative divorce method.  While this is by no means a representation of how every divorce unfolds, either traditionally or collaboratively, it is emblematic of the key differences between the two methods and showcases how the collaborative method can de-escalate problems while traditional litigation can often make matters worse.

Events Traditional Litigation Divorce Collaborative Divorce
Initial Filing John and Betty’s marriage had reached a breaking point, and they decided to end their relationship. However, they took separate paths in their divorce approach. John hired an aggressive attorney focused on winning the case, while Betty chose a lawyer who believed in a collaborative approach to conflict resolution. This difference in approach set the tone for the entire divorce process, leading to an adversarial environment from the start. Despite their many differences, John and Betty recognized the importance of resolving their issues amicably, especially for the sake of their children. They jointly decided to pursue a collaborative divorce, where they committed to working together respectfully and openly, seeking solutions that benefit both of them. This joint decision fostered an atmosphere of cooperation and respect throughout the process.
Temporary Time-Sharing (Custody) As John and Betty couldn’t agree on temporary time-sharing arrangements during the divorce process, the court had to step in to determine a schedule. This resulted in multiple court hearings, escalating tensions, and emotional strain on both parents and the children. The prolonged legal battle took a significant toll on the family, affecting the children’s well-being and causing financial stress due to increased legal fees. Opting for a collaborative approach, John and Betty engaged in a series of meetings with their collaborative attorneys and a child specialist. These discussions allowed them to understand the children’s needs better and craft a temporary time-sharing arrangement that considered their schedules, preferences, and emotional needs. By avoiding court intervention, they reduced stress on the children and preserved their sense of stability during the divorce.  This issue also resolved much faster than waiting on a court to have hearing availability and to issue a ruling.
Division of Assets During the traditional litigation divorce, John and Betty’s lawyers engaged in aggressive negotiations over asset division. Each party aimed to secure the most favorable outcome, leading to bitterness and hostility. The lack of open communication and trust resulted in a prolonged discovery process, with both sides refusing to share critical financial information willingly. In contrast, the collaborative divorce process embraced transparency. John and Betty, along with their joint financial specialist, shared their financial information openly and honestly. This allowed both parties to gain a comprehensive understanding of the family’s financial situation and work together to divide assets fairly.
Time-Sharing (Custody) In the traditional litigation divorce, disagreements over time-sharing (custody) were at the center of the conflict. John and Betty viewed their children’s future living arrangements differently, leading to contentious court battles. The children, caught in the middle, suffered emotionally from the constant tension and uncertainty. By choosing collaborative, John and Betty focused on the best interests of their children. They participated in joint sessions with a child specialist, who helped them understand the impact of divorce on their children’s lives. This deeper understanding allowed John and Betty to develop a comprehensive parenting plan that addressed the children’s emotional, academic, and social needs. The collaborative approach emphasized co-parenting, promoting a healthier and more stable environment for the children during and after the divorce.
Spousal Support The contentious nature of the traditional litigation divorce extended to spousal support. John and Betty disagreed on the amount and duration of support, leading to mediation failures. As a result, the court had to intervene and impose a spousal support decision, leaving both parties dissatisfied with the outcome. In the collaborative model, John and Betty engaged in a series of discussions facilitated by their attorneys and financial specialist. They openly discussed their financial circumstances, future financial goals, and individual needs. Through empathy and compromise, they reached a fair spousal support agreement that considered their respective abilities to support themselves post-divorce. The collaborative negotiations allowed both John and Betty to feel heard and respected, leading to a mutually agreeable arrangement.
Communication Issues In the traditional litigation divorce, the lack of communication between John’s attorney and Betty’s attorney often led to misunderstandings. This communication breakdown resulted in unnecessary conflicts and fueled distrust between the parties. The attorneys became a barrier to communication, heightening emotions and preventing any meaningful resolution. Recognizing the significance of effective communication, the collaborative attorneys encouraged direct communication between John and Betty. Through joint meetings and regular check-ins, John and Betty were able to express their concerns, share their perspectives, and find common ground. The collaborative attorneys acted as facilitators, ensuring that the conversations remained constructive and respectful. This improved communication helped build trust and cooperation between John and Betty, setting a positive tone for the entire process.
Discovery Process The formal discovery process in the traditional litigation divorce required an overwhelming exchange of documents, contributing to a contentious atmosphere. John and Betty’s attorneys engaged in extensive requests for information and documentation, leading to increased legal fees and delaying the resolution of the divorce. In the collaborative model, the financial specialist played a vital role in the exchange of information. The specialist guided John and Betty through the process of gathering relevant financial documents efficiently. By focusing on the necessary information and employing open communication, the collaborative process streamlined the discovery phase, saving time and reducing costs. This allowed John and Betty to concentrate on resolving their issues rather than getting bogged down in extensive paperwork.
Court Delays The traditional litigation divorce faced delays due to court backlogs and scheduling conflicts, further prolonging the emotional strain on John and Betty. The uncertainty caused by these delays intensified their anxieties, making it challenging for them to move forward. By choosing a collaborative approach, John and Betty were able to control the timeline of their divorce. They held meetings and discussions on their terms, without waiting for court dates. This efficient resolution allowed them to process their emotions and begin their post-divorce lives sooner. The reduced waiting time contributed to a smoother transition for everyone involved.
 Trial In the traditional litigation divorce, the trial turned into a battle of accusations, as each party tried to paint the other in a negative light. The children were caught in the crossfire, witnessing their parents’ hostility and experiencing emotional turmoil. In the collaborative approach, John and Betty avoided a contentious trial. Instead, they worked together with the child specialist to ensure the children’s well-being remained the top priority. The specialist provided guidance on how to communicate effectively with the children about the divorce, minimizing the emotional impact. This cooperative approach allowed the children to feel supported and loved, even as their parents went through the divorce process.
Final Resolution The traditional litigation divorce ended with a final divorce decree handed down by the judge, a stranger to the family. The contentious and emotionally draining process left John and Betty with long-lasting resentment towards each other, making it challenging for them to co-parent effectively.  Both spent enormous sums of money to litigate their divorce for well over a year, possibly years.  And even when the final judgment was handed down, both John and Betty appealed because of issues each of them had with the decisions of the judge.  The appellate process took another year to resolve and cost a hefty amount of money for both John and Betty.  And still, neither John nor Better were satisfied with the outcome. The collaborative divorce concluded with John and Betty reaching a respectful closure. They mutually agreed on all aspects of their divorce, fostering a sense of understanding and empathy for each other’s perspectives. This amicable agreement allowed them to transition into their new roles as co-parents with a foundation of respect and cooperation. The collaborative process empowered John and Betty to communicate openly and work together in the best interests of their children, facilitating a healthier post-divorce relationship.

We know this is a lot of information to process.  Your situation is unique and should be treated as such.  We welcome the opportunity to discuss your divorce options, both traditional and collaborative, so please schedule a consultation with us today.

The Genuine Article: Hollywood’s Portrayal vs. Real-Life Divorce in Florida

attorney speaking in court

Here is the reality: Your divorce is not going to be like what you see in the movies or TV (and frankly, you really would not want it to be).  Movies and shows exploit all the drama and the emotions like hostility, sadness, and disappointment that comes with a divorce.  However, an actual divorce in Florida is vastly different from Hollywood’s portrayal.

  1. There is not going to be a dramatic courtroom climax. Movies and TV shows usually portray bitter, hateful spouses involved in a highly contentious divorce. Their actions during the divorce process are not only highly questionable, but also sometimes border on the unhinged (hello, War of the Roses??).  In movies and TV shows, each party to the divorce has an aggressive, “bulldog” attorney hurling accusations and engaging in a devasting cross-examination of the other spouse during the trial, until one person is victorious.  In actuality, most divorces are settled out of court through mediation, negotiations, or by the Collaborative divorce process.  If your case is part of the small percentage that goes to trial, a judge will hear and decide your case. The attorneys will no doubt advocate for their clients; however, a judge would not allow unprofessional or continued aggressive behavior by an attorney.  Further, an ethical attorney would not risk their reputation or license to practice law by engaging in such behavior.


  1. There is not going to be one winner. As mentioned above, in Hollywood’s portrayal of divorce, one party emerges as the total victor. Yet, any experienced family law attorney will inform you up front that there are no winners in a family law case. The best outcome is one that sees both parties receiving some benefit and each having their specific goals or interests met. Using the Collaborative process, moving forward in an uncontested manner, or resolving the case through mediation encourages parties to work together in finding these mutually beneficial resolutions. Moreover, resolving divorces in this way is better than the “scorched earth” method because they can be less stressful, less expensive, and less damaging to relationships.


  1. Your divorce will not be resolved instantaneously (or, in 90 minutes or 6 episodes). Hollywood makes it seem as if an entire divorce case can be resolved within a few scenes.  However, in reality, the length of divorce proceedings can be a few months or even years.  The time it takes to reach a complete resolution of real-life divorces in Florida depends on different factors such as what type of model the divorce has taken (Collaborative, uncontested, or contested litigation); the complexity of the issues; the willingness of the parties to cooperate; the court’s schedule; and also, the attorneys the parties have chosen for themselves.


  1. One spouse is not going to be ruined, personally or financially. Hollywood often relishes in the drama by depicting how one spouse is ruined personally when all the embarrassing and unflattering information comes out during the divorce. Although divorce proceedings are normally public record, in reality, sensitive, confidential information can be shielded in some ways in order to protect the privacy of the parties.  Further, when privacy is a top concern, in the Collaborative process, the actual financial information and agreements reached are not filed so that they do not become public record. Hollywood portrayals will also show one spouse becoming destitute while the other spouse walks away with everything after the divorce.  This would not happen in an actual divorce.  In Florida, the distribution of the assets and liabilities is controlled by the concept of equitable distribution. This does not necessarily mean that everything will be split equally between the parties; it simply means that things will be split fairly depending on the circumstances.  There is also a new Florida law regarding alimony that would allow for spousal support to the party with significantly fewer financial resources if other factors are met.


  1. Your children’s best interests are the paramount concern. Typical in most onscreen portrayals of “custody battles,” the issues between the parents overshadow the welfare of the children.  In Florida, the best interests of the children are the primary concern when children are involved.  In fact, the court has the final say on any issues having to do with  There are over 20 statutory factors that are considered when establishing a time-sharing (“custody”) plan.


Hollywood portrayals of divorce are typically overblown exaggerations filled with drama. An actual divorce proceeding in Florida is very different from these onscreen portrayals. An actual divorce proceeding is not a furious, quick battle that is won in the courtroom by the person with the attorney that is the loudest and most aggressive.  In reality, a divorce is more likely a complex, emotional, and methodical process where parties realize the best outcomes for themselves and their children are ones that focus on finding mutually beneficial resolutions and protecting the well-being of everyone involved. If you would like to divorces or other family issues further, please schedule a consultation today.


Crafting Prenuptial Agreements Using the Collaborative Law Model

a man preposing to a woman

The experience of entering into a prenuptial agreement is an awkward and surreal experience:  On the one hand, you are madly in love, engaged, and perhaps, in the middle of planning the wedding of your dreams.  On the other hand, you are negotiating a prenuptial agreement determining the terms of a potential divorce that may occur in the future.  This uncomfortable situation will never be completely alleviated – no matter how much the couple is in love or the caliber of each of their attorneys.  Furthermore, although each person entering into the prenuptial agreement is trying to protect themselves as much as possible in the event of a divorce, there is no such thing as an absolutely “perfect prenup.”  However, using the Collaborative law model rather than a typical litigation model can be a much more effective method in crafting prenuptial agreements.  By focusing on cooperation and the interests and goals that each person in the relationship may have, the Collaborative approach decreases the inherent tension and feelings of “unfairness” in prenuptial agreements.

Collaborative Law Prenuptial Method

FOCUS.  The Collaborative law model is focused on cooperation and problem-solving. Both parties work together to accomplish mutually agreeable solutions. By working with their collaboratively trained attorneys and other trained professionals such as a financial neutral and a mental health neutral, the parties can craft a prenuptial agreement that meets both their interests and goals in the event of a divorce.  In this way, the couple are empowered by having control in shaping their potential futures.

This focus is very different in the litigation model.  The litigation model is naturally an adversarial one.  Each attorney for the parties is looking to maximize the benefits for their own client, while minimizing the other’s benefits. Often, this involves lengthy and contentious negotiations in which it may seem the only people benefiting are the attorneys.

PERSONALIZED SOLUTIONSSince the focus in the Collaborative law model is one of working together to meet the specific interests and goals of each person, and with the couple having a strong involvement in creating their prenuptial agreement, the Collaborative law model produces personalized, creative solutions that work for the specific couple at hand.  Couples are able to define their own terms for dividing their property, alimony, and other financial issues.

Litigation Prenuptial Method

In the litigation model, the parties are usually constrained by the prevailing law controlling these issues.  There is less flexibility and the unique interest and goals of the couple may not be taken into consideration at all.

COMMUNICATION.  Paramount in the Collaborative law model is the concept of open, transparent, and respectful communication.  Couples are able to discuss their concerns and priorities which can lead to more mutually satisfying resolutions. Moreover, prenuptial agreements compel parties to discuss their finances, assets and debts, and financial expectations.  In the Collaborative law model, open and transparent discussions surrounding these issues prior to marriage can prevent potential issues developing later.

Conversely, the adversarial nature of the litigation model values obscurity and secrecy over transparency.  In these situations, prenuptial agreements can be completely one-sided and may result in the “aggrieved” party attempting to set aside the prenuptial agreement years later.

PRESERVATION OF RELATIONSHIPS.   An objective in the Collaborative law model is to see parties maintain amicable and respectful relationships despite the conflict they are experiencing with each other.  A well-drafted and purposeful prenuptial agreement created by the parties themselves (with the assistance of the collaboratively trained professionals) that keeps the specific interests and goals of each party in mind can reduce conflicts, avoid potential contentious litigation, and preserve the friendly relationships between parties after a divorce.

Simply, the adversarial nature of the litigation model can lead to heated litigation, straining the relationship between the parties that once considered the other to be the perfect partner.

The overall experience and the end results of a prenuptial agreement can differ significantly depending on whether you choose the Collaborative law model or the litigation model.  However, in either model, the Artemis Approach is consistent—-we utilize a problem-solving style that advocates for our client, while maintaining integrity, and being respectful of others.  If you are considering a prenuptial agreement, please contact us to discuss this or other family law issues by scheduling a consult today.

Maintaining the Peace: The Crucial Component of Co-Parenting After Divorce

mom and dad showing affection to their child

The Emotional Impact of Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most emotionally challenging times in a person’s life.  Yet, parents that are divorcing should also keep in mind that no matter how challenging they believe divorce feels for them, this huge life transition can be even more stressful for the children involved.  How negatively children are affected by their parents’ divorce corresponds to how the parents behave with each other.  When divorcing, it should be the parents’ paramount concern to put their children’s interests first through effective co-parenting. Successful co-parenting involves preserving a respectful relationship with the other parent and protecting the children from any issues between the parents.

  1. Prioritize the Children: The foundation of successful co-parenting in divorce is the dedication to prioritize the children’s best interests. Children need consistency, stability, and security. This is especially important during periods of transition.  Children are better able to manage the large amounts of upheaval that come with their parents’ divorce when parents work together to create a supportive and loving environment.
  2. Communicate Respectfully: Another key component of successful co-parenting is respectful communication. Communication between parents should stay respectful, calm, and civil.  By choosing to communicate with each other in this way, not only are conflicts prevented, but also, cooperation and peace are modeled for children.  Respectful communication leads to children’s emotional and psychological well-being.
  3. Safeguard Children from Adult Issues: Issues, conflicts, and disputes between parents should never involve the children. Safeguarding children from conflicts that occur between parents is critical. Further, no matter how parents feel about each other, they should never speak negatively about the other parent in their children’s presence  or allow third parties to do so.  Doing so leads to children feeling confused and emotionally distressed.  Successful co-parents should also be a united front for their children. This behavior clearly demonstrates to children that even though their family structure may be changing, both parents’ love and support for them remain the same.
  1. Maintaining Consistency. During and after the upheaval of divorce, keeping routines can act as a stabilizing influence for children.  Co-parents should work together to establish and continue consistent schedules for timesharing, schoolwork, mealtimes, extracurricular activities, and other parts of children’s lives. Maintaining consistency provides a sense of calm, and also confirms for children that both parents are very involved and committed to their well-being.
  1. Remaining Flexible and Open to Compromise. Although maintaining consistency is important, on the other hand, it is important for parents to remain flexible and open to compromise.  Even with an established parenting plan in black and white, parents will soon realize a parenting plan cannot anticipate everything that could potentially occur. A commitment to co-parenting involves the parents working together to solve unexpected issues that consider the children’s best interests and the parents’ needs.
  1. Setting Positive Examples of Behavior. Co-parenting between divorced parents is an opportunity to set positive examples of behavior for their children.  While co-parenting and showing respect, navigating conflicts amicably, parents can teach their children effective communication and conflict resolution – important examples that will only help children in any stage of their lives.
  1. Positively Affecting Children’s Emotional Well-Being. Successful co-parenting can lessen the negative impacts that occur on children’s emotional well-being. Children feeling safe, stable, and loved are positive aspects resulting from their parents working together despite any differences between them.

The Essentials of Effective Co-Parenting

Effective co-parenting is a vital element for parents to help children handle the challenges they face after they divorce.  Through prioritizing the children’s best interests, communicating respectfully with and about each other, and safeguarding the children from conflict between them, parents establish a positive and peaceful environment.  Moreover, by being consistent, remaining flexible, and setting positive examples of behavior, parents can ensure their children grow up with an understanding of healthy relationships and conflict resolution.  Artemis Family Law Group fully believes that parents, by keeping the peace through co-parenting, can only positively benefit their children’s emotional well-being.  If you are committed to finding a way to peacefully co-parent in divorce, call Artemis Family Law Group for a consultation to discuss this and other family law issues.

Gray Divorce: Complexities and Considerations


In the intricate tapestry of life, relationships evolve, mature, and sometimes take unforeseen turns. This is especially true for couples who find themselves facing the complex transition known as a “gray divorce.” Gray divorce refers to the increasing trend of couples aged 50 and above choosing to end their marriages. Artemis Family Law Group understands the unique challenges that gray divorces can bring, both the issues they present and the considerations involved in navigating this sensitive journey.

Understanding Gray Divorce: Unveiling the Complexity

Gray divorce, while often echoing the emotional strains of any divorce, comes with its own set of intricacies. After decades of shared memories, assets, and intertwined lives, the decision to part ways in the later stages of life can be particularly overwhelming. Key considerations in gray divorce cases often include:

  1. Financial Complexity: Gray divorce involves unraveling shared financial ventures, retirement accounts, and properties that have accumulated over the years. Determining equitable division becomes a crucial aspect, and finding solutions that align with both parties’ financial security is essential.
  2. Retirement Realities: One of the most significant concerns in gray divorce is ensuring that both parties can maintain a secure retirement. This involves evaluating retirement accounts, pensions, and other financial instruments to ensure a stable future.
  3. Healthcare and Support: As couples age, health considerations become increasingly important. Addressing healthcare needs, including insurance coverage and potential long-term care expenses, requires careful planning to ensure both parties’ well-being.
  4. Emotional Well-being: Gray divorces can be emotionally complex, as couples reflect on the years they’ve spent together. The emotional toll of parting ways after decades can be immense, and finding ways to support each other’s emotional well-being is crucial.

The Collaborative Approach: A Considerate Path Forward

When facing the intricate landscape of a gray divorce, it’s important to consider the various approaches available to navigate this journey. While the collaborative family law model is one such approach, there are others that can also be effective. Here’s why taking a thoughtful and considerate approach is essential:

  1. Effective Communication: Regardless of the approach chosen, effective communication is key. Gray divorce cases require open dialogue and clear understanding of each individual’s needs and concerns.
  2. Tailored Solutions: Gray divorce cases often necessitate customized solutions that address the specific circumstances of each couple. Whether through collaboration, mediation, or litigation, solutions should be designed to provide stability and fairness.
  3. Emphasizing the Long-term: Gray divorce involves planning for the future, not just the immediate circumstances. Ensuring financial stability, healthcare coverage, and emotional well-being in the years to come is paramount.
  4. Professional Guidance: Seeking legal guidance from experienced family law professionals is crucial. These experts can help navigate the legal intricacies while offering empathy and support.

Empathy in Action: Navigating the Gray Divorce Journey

As legal professionals based in Central Florida, Artemis Family Law Group is committed to providing compassionate and informed guidance through the challenges of gray divorce. Our goal is to empower people with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about the path forward, whether that’s through collaborative law, mediation, or other legal avenues.

In conclusion, gray divorce is a multifaceted journey that demands careful consideration of financial, emotional, and practical factors. At Artemis Family Law Group, we’re dedicated to supporting people in their pursuit of a brighter future, no matter which approach they choose. If you or a loved one are navigating the complexities of a gray divorce, remember that there are resources and professionals ready to guide you toward a new chapter filled with promise.

For more information on gray divorce or any family law matter, reach out to Artemis Family Law Group to explore your options.

Navigating a High-Conflict Divorce While Maintaining Your Own Integrity: 7 Pitfalls to Avoid When Dealing with A Contentious Spouse

an angry man in shadow with a black background

Dealing with a contentious and “dirty game-playing” spouse during a divorce can be challenging. Here are seven things to avoid doing to help navigate this difficult situation more effectively:

  1. Engaging in Toxic Communication: Avoid responding to or escalating hostile and inflammatory communication from your spouse. Instead, focus on maintaining a calm and respectful tone in all your interactions, whether in person, through emails, texts, or other forms of communication.
  2. Using Children as Pawns: It’s crucial to shield your children from the conflict as much as possible. Avoid involving them in adult matters, using them to convey messages, or speaking negatively about your spouse in their presence.
  3. Social Media Warfare: Refrain from posting negative or sensitive content about your spouse on social media platforms. Anything you share can be used against you in court, and it can escalate the conflict further.
  4. Withholding Financial Information: Be transparent about your financial situation. Hiding assets or failing to provide accurate financial disclosures can lead to legal consequences and negatively impact the divorce proceedings.
  5. Disregarding Court Orders: Follow court orders and agreements meticulously, even if your spouse does not. Disregarding court orders can reflect poorly on you and complicate the divorce process.
  6. Reacting Emotionally: It’s natural to experience a range of emotions during a divorce, especially when dealing with a difficult spouse. However, avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotions. Consult with your attorney before taking any significant actions.
  7. Neglecting Self-Care: Divorce can be emotionally draining. Prioritize self-care by seeking support from friends, family, or professionals like therapists or counselors. Taking care of your emotional and mental well-being will help you navigate the challenges more effectively.

It is essential to consult with a qualified attorney who specializes in family law to guide you through the divorce process and provide tailored advice based on your unique situation. Going through a high-conflict divorce can be an incredibly challenging and emotionally charged experience. Artemis Family Law Group understands the complexities and sensitivities involved in such cases. Our experienced team of family law attorneys is dedicated to providing you with the guidance and support you need to navigate this difficult journey while preserving your integrity and protecting your rights. The attorneys at Artemis Family Law Group, through strategic and level-headed representation, are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome while maintaining your integrity and not stooping to the level of your contentious spouse. Our attorneys will approach your case strategically, focusing on solutions rather than escalating conflicts. Lastly, while Artemis Family Law Group is fully prepared to advocate for you in court, the attorneys also prioritize alternative dispute resolution methods, such as collaborative law and mediation, to help you achieve a more amicable and efficient resolution whenever possible.

The Importance of Communication in Family Law Cases: Strengthening Your Relationships Amidst Legal Challenges

Divorce and family law cases can be emotionally challenging, putting tremendous strain on relationships with loved ones. As a collaborative family law firm dedicated to supporting families in Central Florida, we understand the significance of effective communication during these trying times. In this blog post, we delve into the importance of communication in family law cases and offer practical strategies to maintain healthier relationships with your family while navigating the legal process.

The Power of Open Communication

When facing family law matters, open and honest communication is the cornerstone of resolving conflicts amicably. Transparent communication can foster understanding, empathy, and cooperation, which are vital elements for reaching mutually beneficial agreements. We encourage our clients to express their thoughts and emotions openly, as bottling up feelings can lead to unnecessary tension and misunderstandings.

Emotions and Family Law

Family law cases often evoke intense emotions, ranging from sadness and anger to fear and confusion. These feelings can cloud judgment and escalate conflicts, making it challenging to find common ground. By acknowledging these emotions and communicating them to your family and legal team, you open the door to greater empathy and support.

We are here to provide a compassionate ear and guide you through the legal process, ensuring your voice is heard and your feelings are respected. Our goal is to help you approach family law matters with a clear and focused mind, enabling you to make well-informed decisions for your future.

Putting Children’s Best Interests First

For couples with children, prioritizing their well-being is paramount. A child’s emotional and psychological development can be significantly impacted by the divorce process. Maintaining open lines of communication with your co-parent can help create a stable and nurturing environment for your children.

We encourage parents to engage in frequent and constructive dialogue about their children’s needs and preferences. By demonstrating unity and cooperation, you can assure your children that they are loved and supported, even during difficult times.

Tips for Effective Communication

1. Active Listening: One of the most valuable communication skills is active listening. Give your full attention when your family members or legal team are speaking, and avoid interrupting. This fosters mutual respect and understanding.

2. Choose the Right Time and Place: When discussing sensitive matters with your family or co-parent, choose a calm and private setting where you can communicate without distractions.

3. Use “I” Statements: When expressing your feelings or concerns, use “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, “I feel hurt when…” instead of “You always…”

4. Stay Focused on the Present and Future: While it’s natural to discuss past grievances during emotional conversations, try to stay focused on the present and future. This approach promotes problem-solving rather than dwelling on past mistakes.

5. Seek Professional Support: If communication becomes too challenging, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who specializes in family dynamics. A neutral third party can facilitate conversations and help navigate difficult emotions.

6. Embrace Technology: Utilize technology to stay connected with your family and co-parent, especially if distance is a factor. Video calls or messaging platforms can bridge the gap and facilitate regular communication.


At Artemis Family Law Group, we understand that effective communication is the key to preserving the strength and harmony of your family during challenging legal processes. By fostering open dialogue and empathy, you can navigate family law cases with a more positive and cooperative approach.

Our warm and professional team is dedicated to supporting you through every step of your journey, providing the guidance you need to make informed decisions that serve your family’s best interests. Remember, you are not alone – we are here to help you find resolutions that honor your values and create a brighter future for you and your loved ones.

Reach out to Artemis Family Law Group today to learn more about our collaborative approach to family law and how we can assist you in this important chapter of your life. Together, let’s strengthen your relationships and build a foundation for a thriving future.

Five Crucial Steps You Can Take For Your Children During a Divorce

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining process for both spouses, but it can be even more so for children. As collaborative family law attorneys, our focus is always on promoting the wellbeing of the children involved in the divorce. Here are five crucial steps that divorcing parents should take to prioritize their children’s wellbeing during this difficult time:

  1. Communicate Openly and Honestly: It is essential for parents to communicate openly and honestly with their children about the divorce. While it may be difficult to have these conversations, being transparent about the changes that will occur can help reduce confusion and anxiety. It is important to use age-appropriate language and assure the children that the divorce is not their fault. Parents should encourage their children to express their feelings and concerns and be prepared to provide comfort and reassurance.
  2. Maintain a Stable Environment: Stability is crucial for children during a divorce. Maintaining a consistent routine as much as possible can provide a sense of security amidst the changes happening around them. This includes keeping the same school, extracurricular activities, and maintaining contact with supportive family members and friends. Minimizing disruptions in their daily lives can help children adapt better to the new circumstances.
  3. Avoid Conflict in Front of Children: Divorce can lead to heightened emotions and disagreements between parents, but it is vital to avoid exposing children to ongoing conflict. Children can be deeply affected by witnessing their parents argue or speak negatively about each other. Collaborative divorce and alternative dispute resolution methods can be beneficial in reducing conflicts and creating a more respectful and cooperative environment for the entire family. When parents are in control of the process, they are more likely to focus on finding solutions that work best for the children.
  4. Prioritize Co-Parenting: Co-parenting involves working together as a team to make decisions in the best interest of the children. Even though the marriage is ending, the role of being parents will continue. Collaborative family law encourages parents to foster a cooperative co-parenting relationship, emphasizing shared responsibility and regular communication about the children’s needs. Maintaining a positive co-parenting dynamic can provide children with a sense of security and support.
  5. Seek Professional Support: Divorce can be an emotionally overwhelming experience, not only for the parents but also for the children. Engaging the services of a mental health professional, such as a family therapist or counselor, can be immensely helpful for both parents and children. These professionals can provide emotional support, guidance, and coping strategies to navigate the challenges of divorce successfully. Additionally, collaborative family law attorneys often work closely with mental health professionals to ensure the emotional wellbeing of the entire family is considered during the process.

In conclusion, divorcing parents must prioritize their children’s wellbeing throughout the divorce process. By communicating openly and honestly, maintaining a stable environment, avoiding conflict in front of children, prioritizing co-parenting, and seeking professional support, parents can create a smoother transition for their children and help them cope with the changes that come with divorce. Collaborative family law and alternative dispute resolution methods can play a significant role in fostering a more amicable and child-focused approach to divorce, promoting the children’s emotional and psychological health during this challenging time. Remember, putting the children first is not only a legal responsibility but also an act of love and care towards their long-term care.

Why Collaborative Divorce Is Better for Families Than Traditional Divorce

The team moves at your pace. 

Whether you’re motivated to move quickly through the process, or you are seeking a slower, deliberate process, the team is able to accommodate your needs.  In a traditional divorce, the timeframe is set by one-size-fits-all statutory deadlines that may not be appropriate for your family.

Your goals and priorities are central to the process.

At the start of a collaborative divorce, each client is asked to compile a list of their goals for the process and after.  Some examples include developing co-parenting skills together, maintaining financial security, or ensuring that you receive a fair split of the marital assets.  Your goals help the professional team that is supporting you in the process understand what is important to you when exploring various options and scenarios.  In a traditional divorce, your marriage is treated more like a business dissolution than a unique set of emotionally-charged circumstances and history. 

Your family’s privacy is safeguarded.

Because the conversations and negotiations in a collaborative divorce occur in a private, non-litigation setting, people feel free to have some of the awkward conversations that are necessary to resolving underlying issues in a divorce.  Further, collaborative divorces typically occur with minimal filing of court documents, which helps to protect your family’s privacy.  In a traditional divorce, extensive personal and financial documents are often filed with the court and are accessible to the public.

Your children are not weaponized.

In a collaborative divorce, parents work with a collaboratively-trained licensed mental health neutral who facilitates co-parenting conversations and helps parents develop a parenting plan and timesharing schedule that is best for the children.  Unfortunately, in a traditional divorce, children often end up being treated like objects to fight over and “win.”

Your family’s finances are protected.

Each family in a collaborative divorce is guided by a collaboratively-trained and licensed financial neutral, who gathers all of the necessary financial information to create an overall picture of the family’s finances.  This allows the team to explore financial options more efficiently than in the traditional divorce, where each side’s attorney, who rarely has any financial education, spends countless hours poring over financial documents and fighting with the other side to make sure everything is disclosed, and nothing is hidden. 

You have the final say in what your future will look like.

At the conclusion of a collaborative divorce, you will decide what your future looks like. In a traditional divorce, your entire family’s history will be condensed into a brief hearing, where a judge who is a stranger to your family will hear minimal evidence and testimony and then decide your future for you. Instead of handing over your family’s future to a stranger, collaborative divorce allows you to stay in control of your family and your future.